Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Blog post #10

 Age of Artificial Intelligence

In today's day and age, the media has taken over. With the evolution of technology, there are new software, updates, new types of cell phones with 3D cameras, and so many more inventions that are occurring every single day. You may not take into account how INSANE new technologies are compared to what our parents grew up with. But have you ever learned about artificial intelligence? Just the name of this shows that you can create intelligence, rather than being born with it. The documentary Age of AI explores how the concept of artificial intellegnace is changing life as we know it- from jobs, to privacy, to growing rivalry between the U.S. and China. 

Artificial Intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI applicants include advanced websearch engines, recommendation systems, understanding human speech, self-driving cars, automated decision-making and competing at the highest level in strategic game systems. As machines become increasingly capable to require "intelligence" are often removed from the definition of AI, which is known as the AI effect. In the video we watched in class, AI is being used in a game where they describe it as "one type of intelligence beating another". 

Growing up, we have always heart of the mystery of self driving cars. In elemetry school our teachers would always say when we grow up there will be robots for everything and cars that drove itself, but never did I think this could be possible. However, artificale intelligence, has in fact, made this possible. It is possible because of the allgorythms written by Yoshua Bengio, and a small group of scientists. Cars, trucks, and buses can all be self-driven. But don't you see a downside. I do. This is a huge downside for people who make a living off driving cars, trucks, and buses... this is their job, and with this new invention, these employees could be out of a job. technology shouldn't surround our world in the sense of taking away jobs. I think the evolution of technology is amazing. However, it comes to a certain point. 

In class, we spoke about the invasion of privacy and how new technologies run by the government can uses facial tracking, to gain a better view of what people are doing. There is not only facial tracking, but tracking of what you search on the internet and social media and also where you are using your money. There is a point where I think this could have a positive out come. I watch so many criminal based shows like criminal minds and law and order, and they use facial recognition to find where their supsets may be, and where they have last been. This helps them stop criminals. For advertisement, I think this could be positive for companies to know what their targeted audience is looking for, which will help it pop-up to their feed. BUT, I also agree this is a huge invasion of privacy for people. Its scary to think that you are always being watched, and have to be careful what you do and how you live your life. 

With the aid of AI, the evolution of technology can grow, inspire, and change the world as we know it. But I would like to see a world that is still not fully reliant on technology, and that there is a medium in which the government can be thoughtful about our own privacy. 

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