Thursday, August 26, 2021

My Five Top Sources of Information


1) Cosmopolitan: 

Cosmopolitan is a monthly magazine for women. The magazine can also be found online through an online subscription. The reason I love this magazine is that it allows me the read the news I want to read. I am not a person to be very interested in politics and whatnot. I am more interested in reading about fashion, celebrity relationships, the new and cool trends, and so forth. "The advertisement-heavy magazine features short fiction and advice oriented articles on relationships, sex, fashion, entertainment and careers" ( The type of news in Cosmopolitan is exactly what I'm interested in reading!

2) Snapchat:

Snapchat used to be the app for sending photos back and forth between friends and so forth. As time went on Snapchat became so much more than that. It is used as a platform for people to post short clips of their lives, for advertisements, and to find out news that millennials are more interested in hearing. As I previously said, I am one to be more interested in news about celebrities and or fashion. I am not one to read the news about politics. Snapchat gives me the ability to watch shirt chips of famous people advertising the new best makeup or what the new trend is. In a more serious matter, it gives me news about real-world issues and so forth. The best part is, subscribing to these news channels is absolutely free. Snapchat includes The Daily Mail, Buzzfeed, Food Network, NFL, ESPN, Cosmopolitan and so much more. 



TikTok is a video-sharing-focused social networking platform. Tiktok is definitely a new platform that has become one of the most popular platforms for Gen Z to use. "In a 2020 survey from Ypulse, a youth brand research firm, 51% of Gen Z respondents reported getting their news on TikTok"(Washington post). At first, Tiktok wasn't something I looked at, but once it got more popular I saw myself being on it often. I am not one to post many videos on it, but I find myself to be interested in the content it includes. Tiktok allows people to share 15 second- 3-minute videos sharing content with one another. Since I am on the app often, I find that I learn a lot about the world. For example, during Covid, I have learned a lot about vaccines and the effects they have on people all around the world. In a more recent instance, I found out about the military plan that left Afghanistan from a video shared on this app. Many politicians and newscast networks have a TikTok platform where they share small clips of newsworthy stories on their page. 

4) The New York Times:

The New York Times is definitely not something you would imagine for me to put as one of my top 5 sources due to the previous 3 sources I have stated. But there is something about The New York Times that I love to read. First things first, and this may sound corny, but as a person who lives in New York, I am more inclined to read something with New York in the title. Ever since I have attended college, I feel that I often use The Times as one of my main article sources. Why? Because it literally has anything you want to read about, whether it's real-world issues, natural news, politics, and so forth.  The New York Times is an American daily newspaper, based in New York City with a worldwide readership.

5) Youtube:
Last but certainly not least, YouTube. I absolutely love Youtube. YouTube is an American online video soial media platform owned by google. It is easy with a simple search and free subscription. Users make videos about almost everything. If you need to find certain news, just look it up in the text bar and and search exactly what you are looking for, and im sure you will be able to find it. Ad someone who loves to watch something rather then read it, I find Youtibe to be an amazing plaform for thoose needs. Also as previously stated i love watching videos of new trends, c;eebrtity drama, and real world issues and this platform is great for finding all these.

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