Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Blog Post #2


 This blog post has everything to do with the Supreme Court. I could say I know what the Supreme Court is after all the Law and Order SVU shows I have watched. But today is a day I dug deeper into what the Supreme court is. Yes, the Supreme Court is the highest court you can go to, and for that, it is a very important case. The definition I found is " The Supreme Court of the United States (or SCOTUS) is the highest federal court in the country and the head of the judicial branch"(Supreme Court History). To go more on this I learned that the SC has the ultimate jurisdiction of all the laws, and has the responsibility for evaluating the constitution of these laws. Another piece of information that I learned is the SC is made up of 9 justices and also has the power to check the actions of the other 2 branches of the government. YEP... the Supreme Court had ALOT of power. The Supreme Court has been here for a long time. Established in 1789, it started with the congress deciding the organization of the supreme court with the legislative branch first exercising this power. Instead of 9 justices, the court was only made up of 6 to start.
Something I found intriguing is the Highest Judicial officer in the nation is the chief justice who is responsible for residing over the SC. This was probably the most surprising thing I took away from this article cause it shows how the world has changed so much, especially when it comes to the constitution. It also shows how much the supreme court has power over the US.
     Personally, I think the most important takeaway is that the Supreme court has ALOT of power. they have the ability to make constitutional laws that have been around for centuries, and if you find yourself in a bad position with the supreme court, you are definitely in a lot of trouble. The Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the big guy... The President of the US, therefore these guys are also the big guys. I learned that what I have seen in Law and order has not really have anything to do with what I learned from this article. 

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