Thursday, October 21, 2021

Blog Post #7

This week, as a class we presented about the evolution of technology. I learned so much about technologies I wasn't aware of, and also I learned so much about technologies I use everyday.  As being the person I am, I choose to research and present the first Typewritter. Why? Because I was interested in learning about the first form of technology that has impacted our world today. However, this post is not for my knowledge about the Typewritter, this post's purpose is to tell you what I learned about another technology throughout the presentations. What caught my eye was learning about the first telephone. It caught my attention because it, in some ways, relates to the first typewriter, I mean both have "first" in front of their topic. 

Most of us, if not all of us, use a phone every single day, for many reasons. But if you take it back 145 years, the phones we use today are nothing like the telephones then. On March 7th, 1876 Alexander Grahm Bell invented the first telephone. This telephone worked by converting sound into an electrical signal via a "liquid transmitted". This process centered around directing sound through a receiver and onto a membrane stretched over a drum. Other people had idea about creating the telephone but Bells work is mot welly known. However Bells focused on many ideas for the invention of his telephone. Bells became interested in the possibility of transmitting speech over wire. Therefore, in 1868, Joespeh Sterns invented a system were 2 messages could be transmitted over a single wire, with this, Bell was able to create the communication he desired to invent through the use of the telephone. Without the invention of the telephone, we would have the communication we have today.

Because of the first telephone, telephones have rigoursly evolved over time and today the phone serves so many purposes. It is interesting the learn the history behind something we use every day, and how people hundreds of years ago came up with the simple ideas, many of us couldn't live without today.

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