Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Blog Post #5


Have you ever felt that your life is not completely private? I am sure you have because not everything in this world can be kept private, I mean unless you are on a deserted island living alone with no contact with the world, which many of us are not. After watching the videos on privacy, I felt like I learned more about how there is an invasion of privacy in our daily lives due to the government and new technology. I feel that we have a right to privacy, but due to surveillance technologies, face recognition cameras, license plate trackers, and the government having access to all of these allow people to lack their own privacy. Ask yourself, is this ethically okay? to answer this in my own perspective I think not. In a class I took last semester, I learned the ethical issues facing privacy. I wrote an essay on COVID- passports before they became well known and found that the government wants to track every move you make with these passports. On one side I think to myself, yes, this is good due to us being through a worldwide pandemic. However, on the other hand, I think to myself, this is a total invasion of privacy. It goes both ways in the matter because there are positive and negative restraints on the government withholding the information that invades our privacy.

Have you ever spoken about something with your friends, whether it's something you want or desire, something you are interested in, a hobby or so forth? Then, a short time after it comes upon an ad on Instagram or a website on a page. Well, this happens to me a lot. It frightens me because I feel like I'm being heard on another end from whatever I'm saying. Yes, this is great for marketing, but it just gives me such an uncomfortable feeling. I feel like I almost have to watch what I say, or even say things clearer so that an ad will come up for me. if this all makes sense. In one of the ted talk videos, it spoke on this a woman said "Thanks to modern technology, the government knows everything that happens behind closed doors". It was very interesting watching these videos, and being able to relate to myself. 

The question we may all ask ourselves is "what should the government be doing about this?". This has been the question for so long, why because the government is the one, invading our privacy. What they should do is lay back, I say this not in a way to protect our lives, but in a way that people will feel less invaded, if you understand what I mean. Truly, I don't know exactly what the government should do, I am not in the position to make those decisions, I can only have my opinion. On the other hand, we ourselves can do things to protect against the invasion of privacy. We can be careful about what we do, whether it's posting on social media or doing things in public that is not good. Social media is a place where if you want to be private, it is almost impossible. I am not saying to show your best self, however, I am saying say good things, speak good things, show good things. just how we would want our lives to look like when applying for jobs, show that as well. There is not much we can do, but we CAN do the right things. 


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